Friday, March 15, 2013

Good enough

Have you ever wandered through life wondering if what you're doing and how you're being assessed by the world around you is "good enough."  Is the report card passing?  Are you in the clear with your bank account?  Do you have enough supplies to complete the job?  So many questions floating in your head, yet the bottom line is you wonder if JUST being you, is enough.

I've been fascinated with this word lately.  JUST.  It's a very interesting adverb that has so many meanings in the English language.  Many times we can use this word as a bullet to hurt others.  I cannot count the amount of times when I've heard, "oh so you're JUST a stay at home mom."  Really?  Really.  I've worked corporate jobs and have traveled the world, but one of the most difficult things I've ever done was be a stay at home mom.  Becoming a mommy was one of the proudest and most vulnerable things I've ever done.  Like many moms I can still remember the moment I looked into my child's face and immediately fell in love.  No matter how prepared you are leading up to that moment, you are never entirely prepared for how drastically and suddenly your life will change.  I've been thinking a lot about how this happens, as you read through the books and try to figure out "what to expect when you're expecting" you realize that some of the things you experience in those first few moments are not at all like anything you could ever expect or imagine.

The nature of watching your child grow is a process that happens so gradually yet it can take you by surprise to see them take their first step, sprout their first tooth, speak their first word, march off to school for the first time, loose their first tooth, or experience their first heartbreak.  All of these things are a part of growing up, as mundane as they may become with repetition, they are all part of the process.  Some days I can look at my kids and notice something different about them, like their hair has grown or their pants are suddenly too tight.  I can look at the same child through pictures and see the various stages from infancy to toddler, to school kid.  But when I am looking at them everyday, it is harder to notice that they are changing.

I think the same is true in our walk with God, we can look at snapshots of our lives and see that we are not the same person we once were.  We can see practically how we've grown over time through the various stages and phases of life.  Sometimes it is hard to see ourselves changing everyday, or getting stronger by reading our word and praying.  We cannot see the spiritual muscles being formed by the mundane tasks we complete in an effort to be obedient.  All we see in the moment is the process of the JUST.  Every once in a while we are enlightened by the highlight of "firsts."  Accepting Christ, being baptized, the word coming alive as we read it, the faith built through prayers answered, or the joy of leading others to Christ.  But most days we are JUST growing gradually.  We are JUST being obedient.  We are JUST reading our daily devotions.  We are JUST praying as a spiritual practice and maybe not a completely heartfelt submission.  We fail to celebrate the JUST.  By downplaying these spiritual disciplines, we discount the work that's being done, the progress that's being made and the growth that's happening on a daily basis.  Instead of classifying the JUST as plain, we should be celebrating the JUST things of the world.  After all, God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.  So JUST being you, is good enough! 

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