Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What the "How?"

When my daughter, Abigail, was little we used to watch a show called "Wipe Out!"  If you've ever seen the show you know that it's a comedic game show where adults race through a ridiculously over sized obstacle course in order to compete for a cash prize.  It's quality family entertainment as you observe grown adults stumble through a freakishly impossible obstacle course, with a series of less than graceful "wipe outs" to the finish line in hopes of winning the prize. One evening while watching it, a lady slipped and fell off the mud covered path and into a pool of water.  As we witnessed this epic fail, the lady yelled the words "What the H--- (word that rhymes with spell)!"  Abi cracked up laughing, she slapped her leg and repeated what she thought she heard, "What the HOW!"  Zach and I quickly questioned her, "What did you say Abi?"  She said, "What the HOW!  Dat's funny mommy, What the HOW! Dat doesn't evening make sense!"  We giggled along with her and then explained that even though it doesn't make sense we shouldn't repeat words like that because sometimes people can use those kinds of words to hurt other people.  Perhaps we dodged a bullet that night with our then 3 year old daughter.

I've often found myself asking God the same question when I do not understand "HOW" things will work out.  I'm like "What"  When I demand to know the how, I can get lost in the details.  I begin to reason and think my way through situations and question the greater calling on my life.  After hearing no from man, I begin to think that God's answer is the same.  I can see where this thinking can only lead to bitterness and resentment.  I know that God has a higher calling on my life than my current situation reveals yet I want to know "HOW" and when the answer isn't clear, I wonder if I've missed something.  How will God use me?  How will God fulfill His plan for my life?  How do I find fulfillment in who He's designed me to be?  Perhaps you're like me, where you know that there is a greater calling on your life than you are currently seeing.  

Before I went back to school for my Bachelors Degree in Sociology, I knew that I had a desire for more than what I could currently see.  When I'd close my eyes, I could see myself successfully completing my degree.  God gave me a vision for my future and although it was merely a snapshot, I knew I could get there through the grace of God.  A few semesters into my degree, I failed my first exam, I began questioning God. I wanted to know two things:  What the H---?  And what the...HOW?  I felt like he'd given me a very specific dream and at the moment I felt incapable of achieving that dream.  I knew that there were things in my life beyond my control at work which is what made my dependence on God even more evident.  What I was really asking was WHY (in the past), and HOW (in the future)?  Needless to say I passed the class, and in a month, I will achieve this lifelong dream!  It's been a long time coming and I went the non-traditional route where often times it's felt more like a burden than a blessing.  I've missed class to care for a sick child.  I stayed up till all hours of the night to turn in assignments on time.  I've taken tests in between diaper changes and nap times.  I've cooked dinner while cramming for tests, and helping with homework.  I've moved across town and moved overseas while submitting assignments in airports and over unpacked boxes.  So that... when my children are older, the question will not be a matter of "If" but "WHEN" they go to college. 

Do dreams come true?  Yes.  For me? Yes.  For you?  Yes, to all who put their hope in Christ.  Philippians 1:6 "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." If He spoke it, so be it.  If He breathed it, so live it.  If He promised it, it'll happen.  Stop asking why because you're living in the past, and how because you're living in the future and start living in the now.  You'll never know the HOW if you can't live in the NOW!   

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