Friday, January 4, 2013

Your steps are ordered

In the words of Chicken Little, "It's a new day!"  Well, it's a new year anyway.  I'm anxiously awaiting to see what God has in store for us this year.  I am not one for resolutions, although losing the "freshmen fifteen" would be nice!  Change always brings on reflection.  As a season passes you are able to see things from a very unique perspective, it's called the other side.  

Approaching a new season, you experience fear, uncertainty, and lots of questioning.  You wonder and ponder.  In the middle of the season, you cannot always see how far you've come nor how far you have to go.  It can often feel stormy and blurry.  It is easy to get lost, to feel lost and to want to be lost in the middle of a season.  At the end of a season, you can see it, the purpose behind it.  All the fog suddenly withers away and you are able to see it as it is in all it's glory.  You can usually understand why your steps were ordered that way.  You can usually see with clarity the intent behind the pain.  The purpose behind the drive.  The perseverance of your hard work has paid off for a brief second in time as it all comes into focus.  

As many of you know, we have relocated from Greeley, CO to Honolulu, HI.  We are here because Zach took a full time position at a church called New Hope Metro.  The Lord opened the doors and spoke to us about taking a HUGE leap of faith alongside some of our closest friends.  We were very torn about the decision but we could not deny that this was the direction He was pointing us in.  So, after what seemed like a long transition, months of preparation, and an emotional good-bye, we are here!  We have officially been "Hawaiians" for a week now.  The kids seem to be adjusting well. They are enjoying the weather and their time at the beach.  Abi has gotten so many compliments on her long locks of hair.  They say she has the perfect hair for hula.  Zeke has been having fun trying all the new and interesting foods.  That boy can eat!

We have literally seen God's blessing throughout this journey and we stand in amazement at God's attention to detail.  From getting us here safely, to buying the exact car to fit our needs within our price range on day one, to the place we will live and the generosity of the church family here, I am AMAZED!  No matter what season you are in, whether it feels like you are on the edge of a new beginning, in the middle of the fog, or toward the end of a season with precise clarity, know that God desires to amaze you.  He is and will always be passionately in love with you.  He longs and yearns for you.  The Lord is not too busy for you, and He is very interested in all the details.  Allow God to be your director, allow Him to be your support in every season.  
Psalm 37:23-24 (Amplified Bible) "The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].  Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him."


  1. God's continue blessing upon and around your ohana in your new season . Welcome, "Our Aloha" (our Love) may your adjustment period be smooth. Linda & Ken n Keahi...
