Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sometimes "Walk" is an answer!

Being in transition is never comfortable for me.  I would imagine that most people struggle with transition.  Remember puberty?  "Now, wasn't that a fun time!" said no one, ever.  Who doesn't love the awkward transitions your body went through during that time.  The acne, the voice changes, the unsightly new body modifications and associated odors.  For most of us, puberty was a time in our lives where we'd sooner forget than relive. Thus is the nature of transition.  It's awkward, slightly scary and full of uncertainty.

This is my senior year of my undergrad studies at UNC and I can't help but wonder what the future holds. I'm scared.  I hate feeling so out of control.  I hate not knowing what the future holds.  I hate not having it all together and figured out.  This year is also an election year, and in a few short months our country may be headed in a completely different direction.  For some of you, that time cannot come soon enough.  For others, it is a sobering thought.  Nonetheless, it seems that the media is bombarding us with rhetorical advertisements to try and sway our votes.  In many ways, this is the nature of the beast that is politics.  Many of us are going to make a decision based on the information we've been given.  Good, bad or ugly, we must decide what the next best choice is for our country.  I am curious to see what we choose.  

In the same way, I am at a crossroads in my own life.  I can feel the waves of change brush against my shoulders as I walk down this path set before me.  I am unsure of where that path will take me.  For now, the only word I've gotten is, "walk." I guess this word is more appealing than "run" or "stop."  All I know for sure is that I must "walk."  Que es "walk?"  Walking isn't very exciting.  Going through the motions of everyday life, being faithful with what you've been given are all part of "walking."  Walking out our faith in an everyday, practical, non-spiritual way is often times the most rewarding experience but we don't realize it until we can see how far we've come.  

Walking takes dedication, direction and drive.  All three of these must be working in compliance with one another.  Even before you set out on your "walk" you must determine within yourself to be dedicated.  I am not talking about the Christian practice of dedicating a baby, although that's a great place to start.  I am talking about a sincere dedication to the Lord.  It may start with a simple prayer of repentance but once you've taken this step it is only the beginning.  Dedicating your life to Jesus is only the primary response of someone who lives a dedicated life.  The very definition of dedication is: the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.  I've heard it said that no one gets anywhere on accident.  It takes purpose to reach a destination.  If you purposefully "walk" toward your destination, you will not accidentally reach it.  In other words, if we are purposeful about where we are going, we will not be surprised at where we end up.  Many times it takes a deliberate move on our part.  For many of us, we must decide we are going to graduate, we must decide we are going to be good friends, we must decide we are going to be good stewards of our finances, we must decide we are going to be faithful spouses, or we must decide we are going to be obedient servants of the Lord.  All of these decisions are part of the "walk" we must take.  

The last part is often the most difficult to live out, it is the "drive." Which literally means "to be motivated or determined by a specifying factor or feeling."  What motivates you? Better yet, who motivates you?  I hope that there are people in your life who are willing to speak truthfully into your life.  I hope that there are people that not only know about the dedication and direction for your life but who are willing to be that "drive" for you when you feel too weak to finish the "walk" or when you've gotten lost along the way.  Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to remind us where we were headed in the first place especially if it seems like we've been traveling a long time.  Surround yourself with "driven" people.  Surround yourself with people who will motivate you to be better than your best!  

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