Thursday, September 11, 2014

It won't cost much, just your voice.

The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry, And a wise friend’s timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger.  Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat—refreshing! (Proverbs 25:11-13 MSG)

Timely words are like custom-made jewelry.  Hello...What girl doesn't adore custom made jewelry?  Sign me up for that!  I LOVE when people spell my name correctly.  I know it has a lot to do with the fact that my name is easy to mess up and spelled differently than it's pronounced.  Thanks mom and dad, appreciate the creativity there. When someone refers to me as Mrs. Zach or Pastor Zach's wife, I might as well be invisible.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my husband, almost as much as I love custom-made jewelry but honestly how weird would it be if others referred to him as Mr. Dennisa or Pastor Dennisa's husband (teehee).  But when someone actually takes the time to figure out how to spell it and pronounce it, it makes me feel like a million bucks.  You see, we add significance to others when we refer to them by their God-given name.  We are saying you are important enough to know or to get to know.  This not only expresses the uniqueness of who they are but it honors them as well as their creator. 

In the same way, when we truly take the time as a friend to speak a wise or timely word into others, it makes them feel special.  It doesn't take much time or effort but much like adding spices to a dish, a little bit goes a long way.  So many times we can get lost in our own mess or caught up in our own lives that we don't take the time to reach out and speak life into others.  I've heard the analogy that in every relationship there is a "reacher" and a "settler."   In fact, my husband often jokes that he is the reacher and I'm the settler in our relationship.  The jury is still out on that debate but the point is that we all have been in situations where we've reached out to others only to be turned down.  This not only happens in relationships but also in friendships.  We have all had our share of seed scattering moments.  Where you send out a text and wait patiently impatient for a response.  Maybe through a lunch invitation or with a party invitation that clearly says RSVP, which in today's culture is translated to: Respond Sometime if you plan on coming or neVermind or just show uP!  We wait for a response and maybe calculate someone's lack of response as a lack of interest.  Don't get me wrong, we've all been in situations where we've over-promised and under-delivered.  Maybe there have been a few seasons where we've underestimated our capacity and said yes to lots of things only to find that our plate is too full.  There is nothing more respectful to others than knowing your capacity and understanding your season.  If you are unable to reach than, perhaps you've overextended yourself and have to go back to the drawing board to decide which things you are going to prioritize in this season.  

Over the past few years, I've realized that in the majority of situations, I am a reacher.  It's true.  Whether this is a product of nurture or nature, I have yet to conclude.  However, I first discovered this by taking a look at my text messages.  When I would send out text messages, my inbox was full.  When my inbox was full, my schedule was also full.  I had meetings every breakfast, lunch and dinner for weeks based on my initiative.  When I stopped texting, there were no messages in my inbox and no meetings on my schedule.  I started to look back into my childhood to see if I could find any patterns or trends that confirmed my theory.  What I found is that the same was true even early on in my life, if I initiated phone calls or passing notes (this was back in the day before cell phones) I was "miss popularity."  One thing I also noticed was that majority of my friends came to me for advice and felt confortable sharing secrets with me.  What I discovered is "my voice."  

Growing up, my favorite Disney annimated film was "The Little Mermaid."  Not only did I know every line to every scene, I had a full collection of mermaid memorablia.  If you've ever seen the movie, you'd know that the irony of the film is that this teenage mermaid princes Ariel, falls in love (more like infatuation) with the human Prince Eric.  Because 'parents just don't understand' Ariel decided to make a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursela.  She trades her voice for three days as a human with Prince Eric to convince him to fall in love with her.  Wow, this is a horrible message to send to children.  That's beside the point.  The point is, that there's one line in the movie that gets me every time, Ursula says to Ariel, "it won't cost much...just your voice!"  So many people in our generation have given up their voice.  We have relied soley on our looks, our talents, our charm or appearance when the very thing that this world needs is our voice.  This world needs a voice of reason, a voice of value, this world needs a timely word. Even if you find yourself doing the majority of the reaching, and it seems one sided, nothing goes unnoticed.  You are planting the seed.  You have the opportunity to bring refreshment to those around you.  

Will you take time today to do one of three things:
1.  Call a barista, waitress or cashier by name and watch their face light up! 
2.  RSVP for that invitation on your fridge or in your inbox even if the response is no.
3.  Send a timely word of encouragement to the first friend that comes to mind.  Discover your voice!

A timely word from a reliable friend is like an ice cold lemonade served in a mason jar (I heart mason jars) on a hot summer day!  So, when life gives you limones, you have the opportunity to make lemonade!  

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