Thursday, December 12, 2013

2013- A Year in Review

It's been a while since my last update. I'm finding that it is getting even more difficult to stay in touch with family and friends from Colorado.  This time difference and the 3,000 + miles between us creates a challenge.  I suppose my complaints are of no value to any of my readers.  So all two of you, will just have to listen to my unfounded rants. 

Here's a year in review:

January-  Jan 3, Zach took on a new position as an Associate Pastor at New Hope Metro. Opa & Lala (my inlaws) followed us to Honolulu and got here in time to celebrate Metro's one year anniversary!
February-  Zach shaved his head in honor of Pastor Elwin's battle with cancer to raise awareness for the St. Baldrick's Foundation. Thank you Jesus for healing Pastor Elwin! 
March-  Zach's hair eventually grew back, except it was a different color (only kidding...or am I?).  Abi learned to ride her bike for the first time without training wheels!  Zach and I attended the HIM conference, it was life changing!
April-  April 7th, Zekey turned 5!  We had a pirate themed party at the beach with a real life treasure hunt!  April 30th, Zach turned 34!  Also had a party at the beach...someone forgot to tell Zach it wasn't pirate themed.  Oops!  
May-  Abi got a Super Citizen award at Royal Elementary School! I graduated from UNC and Zach graduated from Aims. We returned to Colorado for a short week for the commencement and celebrations!  It was nice to see friends and family again but the green chili...YUM!!!
June-  I attended the BLOOM conference (an amazing conference for young women, you'll hear more about my involvement in this next year). I also started co-leading a young ladies Connect Group (small group for high school and college girls).  June, 28th, Zach and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary!!  TEN years, can you believe it?
July- July 7, I turned 32 and preached my first sermon at Metro!  July 14th, my sister (actually my closest cousin), Sacha, got married to UFC fighter Chris Camozzi right here in Oahu on the North Shore!!  We had a visit from: My mom (actual mom), Paul and Mary (my brother and sister in law), My Aunt Pat and Uncle John, Sacha (my sister) and Chris (her husband), Bella (my niece), Clint (my cousin), and My Aunt Jeanette!
August-  Zekey started kindergarten! Mommy spent the mornings crying and the afternoons watching soap operas while eating bon-bons with her hair in rollers.  Okay, only part of that statement is true, but I'm not saying which one is.    
September- Zach and I went to Oasis (an inspiring young adult camp).  Afterward, we helped Pastor Brandon start Fuse Metro (our young adult ministry at Metro). One focuses of this ministry is to have monthly worship nights which has been right up Zach's alley!
October- Zach joined a church volleyball league with others from Metro.  Their team "The Super Slammers" got slammed but were good sports in the process (no pun intended on either statement). Pastor Brandon, Zach and I led a co-ed study based on a book called, "The Emotionally Healthy Church."  It was a time of reflection, healing and soul searching for everyone!  October 26, we said, "Aloha" to Aloha Tower for the last time as New Hope Metro changed locations!
November- We kicked off our first Sunday at our new church location without a hitch (Thank you Jesus)! Abi got her 2nd Super Citizen Award from Royal School!  November 13th, Abi turned 8!  We also got a surprise visit from Uncle Travis (Zach's brother), Auntie Melissa, Sheinah, Amaris and the newest addition to the Bumgardner family, beautiful baby Raenen!  
December- is to be determined.  Half way in and the calendar is filling up with Christmas parties, gatherings and services but one thing that comes to mind is...seasons.  

Life is really just a slew of seasons strung together to teach us lessons and develop character in us.  Some are up, some down.  In the end, we must make the most of what we've been given, and remain faithful to the calling and purpose in each of our lives! 

If you find yourself discouraged or overwhelmed by the busyness of the holidays, take heart. Be encouraged knowing that this is only a season. Tis the season to be... What was it again? Oh yeah, hehe, jawry! 

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