Friday, November 1, 2013

what to say...when you don't know what to say

I am discovering that things are a lot easier said than done in God's economy.  It is easy to celebrate in the your achievements, successes and victories but what about the times of failure, disappointment and loss.  I write this blog, broken.  Brokenhearted over the loss of my dog, Chancho.  I guess we initially lost him eleven months ago when we left Colorado.  Yet, grieving is a funny thing.  It comes in the most unexpected ways and under the most unexpected circumstances.

Chancho "the Chick magnet" Bumgardner

 I can remember getting so upset with Chancho for the two years we had him before we moved, for silly things, like making messes with paper towels, getting into the hamper or having "accidents" on our what used to be white carpet.  I can also remember the joy he brought to my children when they'd roll around on the floor, feed him popcorn (yes, that was his favorite treat) or take him to play fetch.  Chancho was a fun and loving dog to have around.  In fact, most people who came to visit us would comment on how loving Chancho was or how they wished they could keep him.
Um...Yeah, Chancho needed support!

When we moved to Hawaii, we knew that we could not bring him with us for several reasons.  First, the quarantine process would be too much for him and we moved on such short notice that this process wouldn't have been completed in time.  Second, having been property managers before, we understood that finding a place that allowed pets was difficult and costly.  Third, we knew that the quality of life he'd have cooped up in an apartment all day wasn't the kind of life we wanted him to have.  So the bidding war began among friends who wanted to adopt Chancho.  He ended up with a loving family who are good friends of ours.  We knew this family would care for him as their own and would provide the life that he needed.     
Chancho was convinced that Zekey was a pup, Zekey was convinced that Chancho was his younger brother

Yesterday, (Halloween morning) Chancho left us for the last time.  Chancho got hit by a car and could not recover.  So, now all we have left of him is our memories.  Life is hard sometimes.  I am sitting here wondering what would be the most appropriate way to announce this loss to my children.  I just don't know.  I don't know if losing him twice is something they can handle.  This is one of those parenting moments that you wish they had a handbook for.  I know that The Lord has entrusted us with them and yet sometimes I feel so unqualified to lead them and teach them.  In moments like this, I want to shield them from grief but I know that the greater injustice would happen by not being honest with them.  So I sit, I wait for the right moment to announce the bad news. I pray for their tender hearts and sweet spirits to be lifted by the good memories of Chancho.  I know that loving them is the best comfort I can provide.  So when I read this blog to them today, (during our after school cuddle time), we will laugh, we will cry, and we will remember our beloved dog, Chancho!
Abi drew this picture of Chancho in Kindergarten